Last night, in TV Chosun drama “Babel 바벨”, Park Sihoo-ssi’s Prosecutor Cha Woohyuk was fully focused on uncovering the truth and finding the evidence to bring the murderer of Tae Minho under arrest. They uncovered compelling evidence to enable them to bring the deceased’s brother Tae Suho under arrest.
Episode 5 saw a rating of 2.9% on a national level. This was a decrease of 0.4% over the previous episode. On average, after 5 episodes, the rating was 3.0%. This was based on AGB Nielsen Korea’s TV ranking.
No doubt Tae Suho has been arrested for his brother’s murder. But is he the real culprit or is he just a pathetic weakling? So weak that he literally flew out of the window at the first sight of snow? Will he die or will he live with the fall from high ground? Find out next weekend! Catch “Babel 바벨” on TV Chosun at 2250h Korean time every Saturday and Sunday!
通天塔(哑铃)Babel:第5集收视率@ 2.9%
昨晚,在朝鲜电视TV Chosun的电视剧“通天塔 (哑铃)Babel 바벨”中,施厚君饰演的检察官车宇赫完全集中精力揭露真相,并找到证据把泰苏和拿下为泰民浩的凶手。 他们发现了令人信服的证据来逮捕他。
毫无疑问,泰苏和因其兄弟的谋杀而被捕。 但他是真正的罪魁祸首还是只是一个可怜的懦夫? 如此虚弱,以至于他第一次看到下雪时,就飞出了窗外?从高地堕落,他会活还是会死? 下周末即将揭晓!请每逢周六和周日,在韩国时间2250点,在电视朝鲜 TV Chosun观看“通天塔(哑铃)Babel바벨”!
Photo Credits – Many thanks! TV Chosun,,